"How wrong it is for a woman to expect the man to build the world she wants, rather than to create it herself." --- Anais Nin (1903-1977)

I am a 37 year old femme-identified artist/writer/LGBT activist/geek in Austin, Texas.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Buddhist encouragement for today

From Buddhism Day by Day

The struggle we go through to have our prayers answered makes us stronger. If we were to immediately get everything we prayed for, we would become spoiled and decadent. We would lead indolent lives, devoid of any hard work or struggle. As a result, we would become shallow human beings. What, then, would be the point of faith?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

got a message from the ex today

My ex-husband sent me a Facebook message today:

I guess you're rich after divorcing me. Enjoy the money.

I responded:

What money?

I wish that I did have more money, but I also wish that he could have more money.

I hope that he can find a doctor that can help him with the mental illness.  Speaking of that, I am also going to change doctors, because my doctor sucks.

my friend's blog

My friend Michael has a blog where he posts stuff about politics, football, and other stuff.  I don't understand all the football stuff, but he does a good job of explaining it.

Michael's Rant

on being bisexual

According to a friend of mine, I am the most "out of the closet" person he knows. I am out and proud about my bisexuality. I wish that the more of my straight friends were supportive. It seems that they just think of it as something trendy and sexy as opposed to a valid sexual orientation.

One straight male friend of mine called me a "non-practicing bisexual" and asked me the other day if I "still liked chicks"---ooh, that pisses me off. I don't think that my bisexuality depends on who I am dating. I am attracted to people, not gender. Another friend of mine made a shitty comment regarding my date with a trans woman last month, "Gee, Stacey, she's not REALLY a woman." I wish that people would keep their shitty comments to themselves. I like whom I like, and it shouldn't matter to anyone else, as long as I am happy.

it's 4 am and I can't sleep...

...so I am listening to my playlist of 70s classic rock and alternative country. I'm drinking a Dr. Pepper, which isn't the greatest thing at 4 am. I went to sleep pretty early last night after trying to watch some anime.

I am going to the Buddhist Center again to make more pompoms. Last night my pompom attempt was foiled due to a lack of appropriate scissors, so I've got to find a pair of them around here that actually work, because I need to catch up.

Michiko is going to bring my phone today when she picks me up. I am so excited about getting a cell phone that actually works. I am probably going to call Jim tonight, but I can't talk to him for a long time. I miss him and I wish that he didn't live in freaking Oklahoma. I'm probably also going to call Michael. I can't wait to see him and all of my other DFW friends in a couple of weeks. I love my Austin friends, but I seem to have a real connection with my friends from the Metroplex.

I feel sort of sad right now, but nothing is happening right now to cause me to feel sad. Things in my life are starting to look up for the first time in a long time. Maybe it's the music that is causing me to feel all down. so I will change it to something happier. Oh yeah, I did forget my medication last night, maybe that has something to do with it.

Monday, March 22, 2010

making 600 pompoms...and other rambling thoughts

I signed up to help my friends Alice and Michiko make 600 pompoms for the Buddhist Culture Festival this weekend. Ack! I hope that we can finish them in time.

Today I went to Half Price Books and placed a bunch of books on hold until next week, so I won't be tempted to spend any more money than $20...like I did last month, when I spent $100 on books.

I need to go and do laundry, but Scott isn't home yet, so probably it won't happen til tomorrow. I hate doing it, but I am totally out of jeans to wear, so I have to do it.

I am cooking pasta alfredo for dinner.