"How wrong it is for a woman to expect the man to build the world she wants, rather than to create it herself." --- Anais Nin (1903-1977)

I am a 37 year old femme-identified artist/writer/LGBT activist/geek in Austin, Texas.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

on being bisexual

According to a friend of mine, I am the most "out of the closet" person he knows. I am out and proud about my bisexuality. I wish that the more of my straight friends were supportive. It seems that they just think of it as something trendy and sexy as opposed to a valid sexual orientation.

One straight male friend of mine called me a "non-practicing bisexual" and asked me the other day if I "still liked chicks"---ooh, that pisses me off. I don't think that my bisexuality depends on who I am dating. I am attracted to people, not gender. Another friend of mine made a shitty comment regarding my date with a trans woman last month, "Gee, Stacey, she's not REALLY a woman." I wish that people would keep their shitty comments to themselves. I like whom I like, and it shouldn't matter to anyone else, as long as I am happy.

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